TZD Stakeholder Webinar: The Future of Mobility—Connected and Automated Transportation Technologies
August 3, 2021
About the Event
This presentation explored how connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) and other technologies are changing the way we advance transportation safety, equity, and the five E's. Attendees heard about some of the work the state, cities, and counties are doing to plan and prepare for these technologies, including the new CAV Innovation Alliance and some CAV pilot projects. In addition, presenters discussed some of the uncertainty regarding whether these technologies will ultimately advance our TZD goals.
Event Recording
Event Materials
- Mike Hanson's presentation slides (PDF)
- Lisa Kons's presentation slides (PDF)
- Wayne Sandberg's presentation slides (PDF)

Mike Hanson serves as the director for the Minnesota Department of Public Safety-Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) and is the designated Governor’s Highway Safety Representative for the State of Minnesota. Prior to being appointed to his current position in October 2017, Mike served with the Minnesota State Patrol. Mike retired from the State Patrol in 2017 with nearly 35 years of law enforcement experience. During his tenure with the State Patrol, he worked in several areas of the state, including the Marshall, Mankato, Minneapolis, Detroit Lakes, and Thief River Falls Districts. Mike retired as the district commander for the West Metropolitan District. During his career, Mike specialized in a several areas of service, including as a crash reconstruction specialist, DWI and SFST trainer/instructor, field training officer, Mobile Field Force co-commander, and as an IACP Leadership training facilitator. Mike is passionate about traffic safety issues and public safety services.

Lisa Kons is the traffic programs manager for the Minnesota Safety Council and has worked with the organization for 28 years. She works primarily developing, coordinating, and implementing traffic safety programming. She currently serves as the state coordinator for the Minnesota Network of Employers for Traffic Safety, which focuses on providing traffic safety resources and opportunities to employers, media outlets, and traffic safety partners throughout the state. Lisa serves as a legislative advocate for transportation-related issues and has served on many traffic safety strategic planning and advisory committees. In 2018, she received the Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths Distinguished Public Leadership Award, which recognizes leaders who have influenced traffic safety policy directions that benefit society. She holds a bachelor's degree in training and development.

Wayne Sandberg is the deputy public works director and county engineer for Washington County, MN. With a population over 250,000, Washington County is located on the eastern edge of the Twin Cities metro area. Wayne has been with the county since 1999 and currently leads the county’s transportation division and parks division. He received a bachelor's degree from the University of Minnesota and a Master of Public Administration from Hamline University.

Kristin White is the executive director of the Minnesota Department of Transportation’s Office of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV-X), a public-sector tech startup and idea incubator that researches and deploys transformational technology and policy. Kristin is a lawyer, policy strategist, and innovator who brings empathy and leadership into the transportation sector, challenging us to harness revolutionary technologies and grow new partnerships to build tomorrow today. The CAV-X program is one of the leading CAV programs in the nation, with its projects, research, and partnerships winning the National Cronin Award, WTS Innovative Solutions Award, and AASHTO America’s Transportation Award. Kristin has a B.A. from St. Olaf College, law degree from Hamline University School of Law, and global arbitration certification from Queen Mary University of London. She began her career as a Fulbright Fellow with the US State Department and has since represented Fortune 500 companies, cities, and states.
Attendees are eligible for 1.25 Professional Development Hours (PDHs). Download the PDH form (PDF) for your records.
The Toward Zero Deaths Stakeholder Webinar was sponsored by the Toward Zero Deaths program and the Minnesota Departments of Health, Public Safety, and Transportation with funding from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The event is hosted by the Center for Transportation Studies at the University of Minnesota.