Promotional Materials
The Minnesota Department of Public Safety (DPS) provides educational marketing materials targeting traffic safety issues.
Group Presentations
Public and private entities can receive free traffic safety presentations from a Minnesota State Patrol safety education officer (SEO). If you are interested in having an SEO talk about the importance of seat belts, child safety seats, and other traffic safety issues with your organization, visit the patrol's website and select the area in which you reside.
The State Patrol has also created a powerful presentation and the highway safety videos "Forever Young" and "How to Save a Life." For information about bringing this presentation to your school, contact eric.roeske@state.mn.us with the State Patrol.
Traffic Safety Education Equipment
TZD offers traffic safety equipment, including the seat belt convincer, hands-free stencil, and fatal vision googles, that can be adapted to meet the needs of your community or corporate event and engage with a wide range of audiences.
Campaign Toolkits
We have campaign communication tools ready to adapt and use in your efforts to spread the message of driving safe during specific times of year, including Valentine's Day and National Stop on Red Week.
News Media
Reporters are often eager to develop local interest stories focusing on the work of community groups. Minnesota DPS has created news releases on safety-related subjects your coalition can use to work with local news media.
Public Events
Public gatherings or events are a great opportunity to get your message out. Fairs, local festivals, and other events often allow community groups to set up displays or tables.
- Several "Buckle Up—Minnesota" banners are available for loan through the Office of Traffic Safety. To request a banner, call 651-296-6653.
- The Crash Car Program is a valuable teaching tool that shows the deadly effects of people who drink and drive. To have a crash car at your event, download the Request Form and return it to the MADD MN State Office via e-mail (codie.kramer@madd.org) or fax (651-523-0817).
- Tools and equipment available for demonstrations from Northwest MN TZD
- "There's No One Someone Won't Miss" PSA from Transport Accident Commission, Victoria, Australia
Employers can receive free resources and assistance through the Minnesota Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS). MN NETS is a program dedicated to helping employers prevent traffic crashes and injuries by focusing on seat belt use, speed, and impaired and distracted driving.
- Child Passenger Safety Program (MN Office of Traffic Safety)
- Minnesota Highway Safety & Research Center, St. Cloud State University
- Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
- Motorcycle Rider Training (MN Office of Traffic Safety)
- Motor Vehicle Prioritizing Interventions and Cost Calculator for States (CDC)
- Responsible Beverage Service Training (MN DPS)
- Successful Approaches for the Development of an Organization-Wide Safety Culture in Transportation Agencies (National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2015)
- Traffic Safety Resources (MN Safety Council)
- Zero Deaths: Saving Lives through a Safety Culture and a Safe System resource page (USDOT Federal Highway Administration)
Other Materials
- ESL Traffics Safety Presentations one-pager (PDF) (SW MN TZD)
- Sport Team Collaborations one-pager (PDF) (SW MN TZD)
- Station ID Traffic Safety PSAs (PDF) (SW MN TZD)