TZD Traffic Safety Hotdish: Full Court Press—Judicial Perspectives on Impaired Driving
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
About the Event
Impaired drivers represent a unique challenge for all stakeholders in the criminal justice process, especially because the public safety danger they present is often misunderstood. This webinar began with a review of the data associated with impaired driving and the characteristics of impaired drivers. It then explored how all criminal justice partners can provide valuable information to judges to assist in informed decisions on pleas, sentencing, and conditions of supervision for impaired drivers.
Event Materials

Hon. Kate Huffman served for 21 years as a general division judge on the Montgomery County Common Pleas Court and has served as a judge on the Ohio Second District Court of Appeals since 2023. During her trial court tenure, she presided at various times over the Drug Court and the Women’s R.IS.E. court, which included a DUI track. Judge Huffman received a BA in political science from Wright State University, a JD from the University of Dayton School of Law, and an MA in Judicial Studies from the University of Nevada. Judge Huffman teaches as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Dayton School of Law and on the faculty of the National Judicial College. She currently serves as the American Bar Association National Judicial Fellow, providing training around the country on issues associated with impaired driving.

Hon. Robert S. Anchondo has presided over County Criminal Court at Law No. 2 for 22 years; El Paso County's DWI Intervention and Treatment Program for 20 years; and an extension to that program, called MERIT, for the last 5 years. The program deals with high-risk, high-need participants who struggle with alcoholism, drugs, trauma, and mental health issues. Judge Anchondo also serves on the faculty of the National Judicial College and is a local, state, and national lecturer on various topics dealing with judicial education. He serves Region 6 as the ABA Regional Judicial Liaison, which provides judicial education concentrated on impaired driving and traffic safety issues. In 2023, the DWI Intervention and Treatment Program was awarded the Academy Court Award from NHTSA and The National Center for DWI Drug Courts in recognition of its dedication to keeping our nation’s highways safe by combining treatment and with accountability. Read more about the program and one participant's successful experience.
Attendees are eligible for 1.25 Professional Development Hours (PDHs). Download the PDH credit form (PDF) for your records.
More Information
Contact Linda Dolan at
This event was offered by the Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths Program and the Minnesota Departments of Health, Public Safety, and Transportation, with funding from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. It was hosted by the University of Minnesota's Center for Transportation Studies.